Rural, Bush & Beach
Australian Novels

Julie McCullough Author

Julie McCullough lives on a small farm at Rosedale, Queensland, Australia. She’s a mum of two and has two house cows, forty-odd chooks, two budgies, two cats, and a dog.

Her farm produces most of the family’s fruit, veggies, eggs, meat and milk, with which she also makes cheese and other dairy products. There’s plenty to do and rarely a dull moment on Ol’ McCullough’s farm.

When not pounding the keyboard, she may be found in the large veggie garden or mucking out the pigsty or chook sheds, enjoying all these activities equally.

Julie’s dream to become an author began in high school but didn’t become a reality until recent years when unexpected life events (including battling breast cancer) that could have dragged her down fired up her determination to succeed. After getting over the worst of the long-term cancer treatment, her writing mojo finally returned but due to some long term health issues she can’t spend as much time on it as she’d love to.  She didn’t just ‘follow’ that dream; she chased and hunted it down, grabbed it with both hands and will never lose her grip on it. She loves writing (and reading) suspense and drama, mainly set in the Aussie bush, with plenty of twists and turns. She has also written Non-fiction articles for Grass Roots magazine and had short stories published.

“Secrets, Lies And Grace” is her third novel, and a sequel is about to be released.

Julie is available for Author talks or workshops.  Recently she gained Cert 4 in Writing and Editing.


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